How to build undeniable loyalty in 3 simple steps without losing any sleep

Published by Jenn Neal on

The 3 Stories Every Business Owner Needs to Create Persuasive & Profitable Copy

Storytelling Techniques with Mike Kim

How quickly the smug smirk on my face faded when I looked over and saw my friend had also gotten an A on the test. 

I remember how hard I had studied for that American History exam. History not being one of my favorite or strong suits meant I had to hit the books hard. 

I was absolutely confident that my friend was going to fail – or at least do worse than me.

You see, he was the quarterback of our football team and had been out at practice and partying. While I was responsible and stayed in to study. 

So when the teacher came around with the graded exams – I assumed a smug little smile because I was so ready to rub it in his face. 


I quickly found out how he “cheated,” because this was simply NOT fair!

Cliffs Notes. 

I had always thought they were a cheat, a scam. And yet – there was proof that it worked!

From that point on, I DID pay attention to the short cuts because I realized how much they paid off. 

And that’s exactly what our featured presenter for the Smart[er] Content Formula virtual event will be sharing. 

The Cliffs Notes version of creating irresistibly persuasive copy in a voice that is unmistakably yours.

I’d like to introduce you to Mike Kim. Mike is a speaker and marketing strategist who specializes in brand strategy and copywriting. 

He’s broken the entire art of copywriting from storytelling into simple 3 step formulas. 

Ready to grab your own Cliffs Notes guide to profitable messaging? 

Register now for the Smart[er] Content Formula virtual hybrid event. 


About Mike: 

Mike Kim is a speaker and marketing strategist who specializes in brand strategy and copywriting. He’s been hired by some of today’s most influential thought leader brands including John Maxwell, Donald Miller, Suzanne Evans, and Catalyst.

For years he was the Chief Marketing Officer of a successful multi-million dollar company near

New York City. Nowadays you’ll find him speaking at conferences, looking for the next great place to scuba dive, and sipping a glass of Macallan 15 — all while teaching everything he knows about branding, entrepreneurship, and life through his hit podcast, Brand You.

Previews from Mike’s Presentation

Mike Kim… on not being boring.

Now you’ll notice I didn’t say “you know what pisses me off when I wake up in the morning… really bad marketing.” And say “you know it breaks my heart, awful looking Websites.” It doesn’t break my heart even though I’m a marketer and a brand strategist. It’s rooted in something much bigger than that. And that’s the kind of connection that people are looking for. When people have a choice between me and another coach who teaches maybe even very similar things to what I do, they don’t look for someone who’s just going to say in a robotic way “well we help you clarify your message so that customers can engage.”


The 3 Reasons People Engage in Content

So when we talk about weaving hobbies and interests into your content, I’m a big fan of that because there are really only three reasons that people engage in content. None of these three are better than the other, they’re just very clear reasons why people consume content. So they’re either looking for education, inspiration, or entertainment. That’s it. And all of our companies, all of our brands, are usually going to focus primarily on one. For example, I’m primarily an education brand. I teach marketing storytelling copywriting. But if all I do is educate, there’s no connection. I don’t sound like a human. Hey, I love teachers, but I don’t want to hang out with them when they’re in teaching mode, all the time.

Copywriting with the refrigerator effect

These kids draw some stuff. I mean, it’s ugly. But we put it on the fridge anyway, because we know and like them. We more than like, we love and trust them. So when you have that kind of relationship with your prospects and clients and customers, they’re going to be willing to grow with you. Sometimes we can make pretty big mistakes. But if that relationship and that trust is there in the first place, it might bend but it takes a lot to break.

Storytelling Techniques